Coverage: Jefferson, Orange, Hardin,
Tyler, Jasper, Newton, Angelina, San Augustine and Sabine counties. Send
Reports to: John Whittle, 3015 Nashville Avenue, Nederland, Texas 77627-6749
by the 10th of the month after or e-mail to whittleja@hal.lamar.edu or
call (409) 880-8276 or fax to (409) 880-8270. For "very rare" birds,
please submit a brief account of your sighting, including a description
of the bird (unless unmistakable), brief details of what it was doing,
and where it was seen (if on publicly accessible property).
Format: "Common" to "abundant" birds are shown in the fashion "JEF 4 reps(25)" which means four reports in Jefferson County totaling 25 birds. Less than "common", as "JEF-SW 7/5(2) ABC", which means seen in Jefferson County (JEF) at Sabine Woods (SW) on the 5th of July, two (2) birds, reported by observer "ABC". |
Commentary: The 136 species reported in February is typical
of the month. The number of species present in the area, particularly in
the first half of the month is probably not significantly different from
December and January, but observer activity is typically much reduced.
However, there were several interesting sightings in the Lakes area, including
Pacific Loon, nesting Bald Eagles, Red Crossbill and an early Northern
Parula. Please keep those reports coming from that underreported area!
The listing below includes the birds seen on the field trip to the Sandyland
Sanctuary. Rufous Hummingbirds were still present in the area throughout
the month, although the computer program which compiles the list below
is not geared to using information on species that are seen on and off
during the whole month.
LOON, Pacific ANG-SRR 2/27(1) RBA
LOON, Common NEW 1 rep(3) GREBE, Pied-billed JEF 4 reps(86); NEW 1 rep(2) PELICAN, Amer. White JEF 1 rep(8); ORA 1 rep(23) CORMORANT, Neotropic JEF 2/13(6) JAW; JEF-TX87 2/13(5) JAW; JEF 2/19(2) JAW; JEF-TP 2/19(1) JAW; JEF 2/20(1) JAW CORMORANT, Double-crest. NEW 1 rep(2) HERON, Great Blue JEF 5 reps(35) EGRET, Great JEF 8 reps(238) EGRET, Snowy JEF 5 reps(35) HERON, Little Blue JEF 1 rep(2) EGRET, Cattle JEF 1 rep(20) IBIS, White JEF 2/13(5) JAW; JEF 2/20(301) JAW; JEF 2/27(6) KS IBIS, Glossy JEF 2/20(1) JAW IBIS, White-faced JEF 2/19(9) JAW; JEF-TP 2/19(10) JAW; JEF 2/20(40) JAW IBIS, Plegadis JEF 2/11(500) JAW; JEF 2/12(21) LRWW; JEF 2/19(10) JAW; JEF-TP 2/19(10) JAW; JEF 2/20(140) JAW; JEF 2/27(3) KS SPOONBILL, Roseate ORA 2/13(1) KS VULTURE, Black HAI 1 rep(1); JAS 1 rep(1); JEF 3 reps(32); NEW 1 rep(6) VULTURE, Turkey HAI 2 reps(6); JAS 1 rep(6); JEF 5 reps(44); NEW 1 rep(27) WHISTLING-DUCK, Fulvous JEF 2/20(4) JAW GOOSE, White-fronted JEF 3 reps(428) GOOSE, Snow JEF 2 reps(4012) DUCK, Wood HAI-SNDY 2/19(2) FTSL; ORA 2/13(1) KS GADWALL JEF 3 reps(227); ORA 2 reps(135) WIGEON, American ORA 2 reps(8) MALLARD JEF 2 reps(16) DUCK, Mottled JEF 2/19(2) JAW; JEF-TP 2/19(4) JAW; JEF 2/20(2);JAW; JEF 2/27(2) KS TEAL, Blue-winged JEF 4 reps(374) SHOVELER, Northern JEF 2 reps(380); ORA 1 rep(12) PINTAIL, Northern JEF 3 reps(10); ORA 1 rep(6) TEAL, Green-winged JEF 3 reps(75) DUCK, Ring-necked JEF 1 rep(250) SCAUP, Lesser JEF 1 rep(1); NEW 1 rep(18) OSPREY JEF 2/13(1) JAW; JEF 2/19(2) JAW; ORA 2/28(1) MC KITE, White-tailed JEF 3 reps(8) EAGLE, Bald ANG 2/13(2) LDS HARRIER, Northern JEF 5 reps(33) HAWK, Sharp-shinned JEF-SW 2/6(1) KS; JEF-BMT 2/10(1) RAJ; JEF-TX87 2/13(2) JAW; JEF-TP 2/19(1) JAW HAWK, Cooper's JEF-TP 2/19(1) JAW HAWK, Red-shouldered HAI 1 rep(2); JAS 1 rep(1); JEF 2 reps(2); NEW 1 rep(1) HAWK, Red-tailed HAI 1 rep(1); JAS 1 rep(2); JEF 7 reps(57) KESTREL, American HAI 1 rep(1); JAS 1 rep(4); JEF 7 reps(97); NEW 1 rep(2) MERLIN JEF 2/6(1) KS MOORHEN, Common JEF 2 reps(11) COOT, American JEF 3 reps(903); NEW 1 rep(500); ORA 1 rep(200) PLOVER, Black-bellied JEF 1 rep(3) PLOVER, Snowy JEF-SRSP 2/13(30) JAW PLOVER, Piping JEF-SRSP 2/13(1) JAW KILLDEER JAS 1 rep(3); JEF 2 reps(13) STILT, Black-necked JEF 1 rep(12) AVOCET, American JEF 1 rep(20) YELLOWLEGS, Greater JEF 1 rep(4) WILLET JEF 1 rep(1) CURLEW, Long-billed JEF 2 reps(3) SANDERLING JEF 1 rep(25) DOWITCHER, Long-billed ANG 2/13(1) LDS SNIPE, Common ANG 1 rep(6); JEF 3 reps(122) WOODCOCK, American JEF-SW 2/6(1) KS GULL, Laughing JEF 3 reps(2188) GULL, Bonaparte's JEF 1 rep(170) GULL, Ring-billed JEF 3 reps(135) GULL, Herring JEF 1 rep(29) TERN, Caspian JEF 2 reps(5) TERN, Royal JEF 1 rep(4) TERN, Forster's JEF 1 rep(3) DOVE, Rock HAI 1 rep(20); JAS 1 rep(55); JEF 1 rep(6) COLLARED-DOVE, Eurasian JEF 2/27(1) KS DOVE, White-winged JEF 2/13(25) JAW DOVE, Mourning HAI 1 rep(1); JAS 1 rep(1); JEF 7 reps(80) DOVE, Inca JAS 1 rep(2); JEF 3 reps(6); ORA 1 rep(6) OWL, Great Horned JEF 2/6(1) KS; JEF 2/13(4) KS; JEF 2/27(3) KS KINGFISHER, Belted HAI 1 rep(1); JAS 1 rep(1); JEF 5 reps(10) WOODPECKER, Red-headed HAI-SNDY 2/19(1) FTSL WOODPECKER, Red-bellied HAI 1 rep(10); JEF 5 reps(15); NEW 1 rep(2)
SAPSUCKER, Yellow-bellied HAI 1 rep(5); JEF 3 reps(5); NEW
1 rep(2)
WOODPECKER, Downy HAI 1 rep(3); JEF 3 reps(10) FLICKER, Northern HAI 1 rep(1); JEF 1 rep(2) WOODPECKER, Pileated HAI 1 rep(1); JAS 1 rep(2); JEF 1 rep(2) PHOEBE, Eastern JAS 1 rep(1); JEF 6 reps(44); NEW 1 rep(1) SHRIKE, Loggerhead JAS 1 rep(2); JEF 7 reps(214); NEW 1 rep(1) VIREO, White-eyed JEF 2/13(1) KS VIREO, Blue-headed HAI 1 rep(2) JAY, Blue JAS 1 rep(1); JEF 5 reps(43) CROW, American HAI 3 reps(33); JAS 1 rep(23); JEF 1 rep(1); NEW 1 rep(20) CROW, species JEF 2 reps(10) MARTIN, Purple JEF-SW 2/6(1) KS; JEF 2/13(1) KS; JEF 2/20(1) JAW SWALLOW, Tree JEF-SW 2/6(6) KS; JEF 2/13(20) JAW; JEF-SW 2/13(1) JAW; JEF-TP 2/19(6) JAW; JEF 2/27(12) KS CHICKADEE, Carolina HAI 1 rep(6); JAS 1 rep(1); JEF 6 reps(20) TITMOUSE, Tufted HAI 1 rep(10); JEF 1 rep(1) NUTHATCH, Brown-headed HAI-SNDY 2/19(3) FTSL; NEW-TBR 2/12(3) LRWW CREEPER, Brown HAI-SNDY 2/19(2) FTSL WREN, Carolina HAI 1 rep(3); JAS 1 rep(1); JEF 3 reps(3); NEW 1 rep(1) WREN, House JEF-SW 2/6(1) KS; JEF 2/13(1) KS; JEF 2/27(1) KS WREN, Winter HAI-SNDY 2/19(1) FTSL WREN, Sedge JEF-SW 2/6(2) KS; JEF 2/27(1) KS WREN, Marsh JEF 2/13(1) JAW; JEF-TP 2/19(1) JAW KINGLET, Golden-crowned JEF 2/6(1) KS; JEF-SW 2/6(2) KS KINGLET, Ruby-crowned HAI 1 rep(5); JEF 5 reps(26) GNATCATCHER, Blue-gray JEF 5 reps(19) BLUEBIRD, Eastern HAI 2 reps(9); JAS 1 rep(9); NEW 1 rep(3); ORA 2 reps(7) THRUSH, Hermit HAI-SNDY 2/19(1) FTSL ROBIN, American HAI 1 rep(6); JAS 1 rep(189); JEF 8 reps(294); NEW 1 rep(1) CATBIRD, Gray JEF 2/27(2) KS MOCKINGBIRD, Northern HAI 2 reps(2); JAS 1 rep(5); JEF 6 reps(79); NEW 1 rep(4) THRASHER, Brown HAI 1 rep(2); JEF 4 reps(20) STARLING, European HAI 1 rep(3); JEF 6 reps(567) PIPIT, American JEF 1 rep(56) WAXWING, Cedar HAI 1 rep(20); JEF 3 reps(75) WARBLER, Orange-crown. HAI 1 rep(1); JEF 5 reps(21) PARULA, Northern SAA 2/27(1) RBA WARBLER, Yellow-rumped HAI 1 rep(20); JAS 1 rep(7); JEF 5 reps(111); NEW 1 rep(20) WARBLER, Pine HAI 1 rep(10); JAS 1 rep(1); JEF 2 reps(3); NEW 1 rep(11) WARBLER, Palm JEF 2/27(3) KS YELLOWTHROAT, Common JEF 2 reps(6) TOWHEE, Spotted JEF-SW 2/6(1) KS TOWHEE, Eastern JEF-SW 2/6(1) KS SPARROW, Chipping HAI 1 rep(100); JEF 1 rep(22); NEW 1 rep(15); ORA 2 reps(18) SPARROW, Field JEF 2/6(4) KS; JEF-SW 2/6(3) KS; JEF 2/13(3) KS; JEF 2/27(2) KS SPARROW, Lark JEF 2/6(2) KS SPARROW, Savannah JEF 6 reps(356) SPARROW, Grasshopper JEF 2/6(1) KS SPARROW, Song JEF 5 reps(36) SPARROW, Lincoln's JEF 2/6(2) KS; JEF 2/13(4) KS; JEF 2/27(3) KS SPARROW, Swamp HAI 1 rep(1); JEF 5 reps(17) SPARROW, White-throated HAI 1 rep(25); JEF 7 reps(85) SPARROW, White-crowned JEF 2/6(3) KS; JEF 2/13(3) KS; JEF-TP 2/19(5) JAW; JEF 2/20(5) JAW; JEF 2/27(8) KS JUNCO, Dark-eyed HAI-SNDY 2/19(4) FTSL; NEW-TBR 2/12(1) LRWW CARDINAL, Northern HAI 1 rep(1); JAS 1 rep(7); JEF 6 reps(52) BLACKBIRD, Red-winged JEF 7 reps(1197) MEADOWLARK, Eastern JAS 1 rep(3); JEF 4 reps(57) MEADOWLARK species JEF 2 reps(59) BLACKBIRD, Brewer's JEF 2/20(10) JAW GRACKLE, Common JAS 1 rep(1005); JEF 5 reps(475); NEW 1 rep(50) GRACKLE, Boat-tailed JEF 2 reps(105) GRACKLE, Great-tailed JEF 5 reps(400) COWBIRD, Brown-headed JEF 2 reps(220) CROSSBILL, Red SAB-TBR 2/27(1) RBM SISKIN, Pine SAB-TBR 2/27(37) RBM GOLDFINCH, American HAI 1 rep(75); JEF 6 reps(69); NEW 1 rep(1); ORA 3 reps(46) SPARROW, House JEF 4 reps(8) Number of Species 136
County Abbreviations:
ANG - Angelina; HAI - Hardin; JAS - Jasper; JEF - Jefferson; NEW - Newton; ORA - Orange; SAA - San Augustine; SAB - Sabine.. Location Codes:
Observer Abbreviations:
Notes on Rare Birds Pacific Loon -27 Feb 2000
Bald Eagle - 13 Feb 2000 - Lynn and Doug Smith
Northern Parula - 27 Feb 2000
Red Crossbill - 27 Feb 2000 - Ricki and Bill McMillian
A young male Red Crossbill, mottled red and yellow, came to a feeder in Sabine County near Toledo Bend Reservoir. A female Oldsquaw (soon to be renamed Long-tailed Duck to correspond with Old World usage) was seen from the Sabine Pass Battleground on March 12, and was seen again from the road to the Pilot Station at Texas Point, in a flock of scaup on the Sabine-Neches Ship Channel on the Texas side, almost opposite the lighthouse on March 19. Rice fields actually in cultivation may well be very scarce this spring, so any rice field that is the process of being drained after being flooded has to potential to hold large concentrations of shorebirds. Such a rice field on Wilber Road, about a mile west of Hamshire Road in west Jefferson County on March 18 and 19 had many yellowlegs, mostly Lesser Yellowlegs, a good number of American Golden-Plover, smaller number of Pectoral and Stilt Sandpipers, a few Long-billed Dowitchers, and, on March 19 at least, one very early Buff-breasted Sandpiper. |