Coverage: Jefferson, Orange, Hardin,
Tyler, Jasper, Newton, Angelina, San Augustine and Sabine counties. Send
Reports to: John Whittle, 3015 Nashville Avenue, Nederland, Texas 77627-6749
by the 10th of the month after or e-mail to whittleja@hal.lamar.edu or
call (409) 880-8276 or fax to (409) 880-8270. For "very rare" birds,
please submit a brief account of your sighting, including a description
of the bird (unless unmistakable), brief details of what it was doing,
and where it was seen (if on publicly accessible property).
Format: "Common" to "abundant" birds are shown in the fashion "JEF 4 reps(25)" which means four reports in Jefferson County totaling 25 birds. Less than "common", |
as "JEF-SW 7/5(2) ABC", which means seen in Jefferson
County (JEF) at Sabine Woods (SW) on the 5th of July, two (2) birds, reported by observer "ABC". Commentary: Passerine migration got off to an early start this year, with several ”early” warblers in the middle of the month. Suitable shorebird habitat has been scarce this year, but good concentrations have been present in the south impoundment at Pleasure Island. A Purple Martin roost at the K-Mart in Groves has attracted large numbers of watchers. Although the numbers are greatly reduced, the roost was still active as we closed for press. Added excitement has been caused by at least one and probably two all-white martins. While not true albinos – the eyes are dark rather than pink – they attracted much attention |
GREBE, Pied-billed ANG 8/12(4) BD; JEF-TP 8/13(13)
PELICAN, American White JEF-PI 8/5(25) JAW; JEF-PI 8/13(95) JAW PELICAN, Brown JEF-SRSP 8/13(3) JAW CORMORANT, Neotropic JEF 3 reps(148) CORMORANT, Double-crest. JEF-SRSP 8/13(1) JAW ANHINGA ANG 1 rep(35) HERON, Great Blue ANG 1 rep(15); JEF 2 reps(10) EGRET, Great ANG 1 rep(200); JEF 9 reps(48) EGRET, Snowy ANG 1 rep(1); JEF 5 reps(75) HERON, Little Blue ANG 1 rep(29); JEF 2 reps(6) HERON, Tricolored ANG 1 rep(2); JEF 3 reps(15) EGRET, Reddish JEF 2 reps(2) EGRET, Cattle JEF 6 reps(501) HERON, Green ANG 1 rep(1); JEF 2 reps(4) NIGHT-HERON, Yellow-cr. JEF 3 reps(3) IBIS, White ANG 1 rep(25); JEF 3 reps(12) IBIS, White-faced JEF 1 rep(3) IBIS, Plegadis JEF 4 reps(31) SPOONBILL, Roseate JEF 8/5(15) JAW; JEF-TX87 8/5(7) JAW; JEF-PI 8/13(2) JAW; JEF-SW 8/26(2) JAW; JEF-TXPT 8/27(2) KS STORK, Wood HAI 8/6(3) KS; JEF 8/5(4) JAW; JEF-SW 8/13(18) JAW; JEF-SW 8/13(15) KS VULTURE, Black ANG 1 rep(9); HAI 1 rep(5); JEF 3 reps(25) VULTURE, Turkey ANG 1 rep(4); HAI 1 rep(1); JEF 7 reps(15) WHISTLING-DUCK, Blk-bell. JEF-TP 8/13(2) JAW DUCK, Wood ANG 8/12(50) BD GADWALL JEF-PI 8/13(6) JAW SHOVELER, Northern JEF-PI 8/13(50) JAW CANVASBACK ANG 8/18(2) BW DUCK, Ruddy JEF-PI 8/13(1) JAW; JEF-TP 8/13(1) JAW OSPREY JEF-TP 8/13(1) JAW KITE, Swallow-tailed JAS 8/6(1) NB KITE, White-tailed JEF 2 reps(2) KITE, Mississippi ANG 8/12(15) BD HAWK, Red-shouldered ANG 1 rep(1); JEF 2 reps(3) HAWK, Broad-winged JEF 8/10(2) JAW; JEF 8/12(1) JAW HAWK, Swainson's JEF 8/12(1) JAW; JEF-SW 8/13(1) KS; JEF 8/27(1) JAW; JEF-SW 8/27(1) KS KESTREL, American JEF 8/6(1) JAW BOBWHITE, Northern JEF 1 rep(8) RAIL, Clapper JEF 1 rep(2) RAIL, King JEF-TXPT 8/27(1) KS MOORHEN, Common JEF 2 reps(5) COOT, American JEF 1 rep(2) PLOVER, Black-bellied JEF 2 reps(11) PLOVER, Snowy JEF-SRSP 8/13(5) JAW; JEF-SRSP 8/26(4) JAW PLOVER, Wilson's JEF 2 reps(2) PLOVER, Semipalmated JEF-PI 8/5(20) JAW; JEF-PI 8/13(6) JAW; JEF-SRSP 8/13(1) JAW PLOVER, Piping JEF-SRSP 8/26(2) JAW KILLDEER ANG 1 rep(2); JEF 5 reps(28) STILT, Black-necked JEF 3 reps(70) AVOCET, American JEF-PI 8/5(15) JAW; JEF-PI 8/13(517) JAW YELLOWLEGS, Greater ANG 1 rep(1); JEF 2 reps(11) YELLOWLEGS, Lesser JEF 2 reps(48) WILLET JEF 3 reps(244) SANDPIPER, Spotted ANG 8/12(1) BD; JEF-SRSP 8/5(1) JAW; JEF-PI 8/13(1) JAW WHIMBREL JEF-PI 8/13(1) JAW CURLEW, Long-billed JEF-PI 8/13(1) JAW GODWIT, Marbled JEF-SRSP 8/26(1) JAW TURNSTONE, Ruddy JEF-SRSP 8/5(14) JAW; JEF-SRSP 8/13(4) JAW; JEF-SRSP 8/26(7) JAW SANDERLING JEF 3 reps(62) SANDPIPER, Semipalmated JEF 8/5(2) JAW SANDPIPER, Western JEF 2 reps(54) SANDPIPER, Peep JEF 1 rep(2400) SANDPIPER, Least JEF 3 reps(82) SANDPIPER, Stilt JEF-PI 8/13(930) JAW DOWITCHER, Short-billed JEF-PI 8/13(14) JAW GULL, Laughing JEF 4 reps(961) GULL, Ring-billed JEF-PI 8/13(1) JAW TERN, Gull-billed JEF 2 reps(37) TERN, Caspian JEF 3 reps(19) TERN, Royal JEF 3 reps(100) TERN, Sandwich JEF 3 reps(12) TERN, Common JEF-PI 8/5(1) JAW; JEF 8/6(1) JAW; JEF-PI 8/13(1) JAW TERN, Forster's JEF 3 reps(82) TERN, Least JEF 3 reps(300) TERN, Black JEF 3 reps(212) SKIMMER, Black JEF 3 reps(22) DOVE, Rock ANG 1 rep(90); JEF 6 reps(28) COLLARED-DOVE, Eurasian JEF 8/6(2) JAW; JEF 8/12(3) JAW; JEF 8/27(5) JAW DOVE, White-winged JEF-SW 8/27(3) KS DOVE, Mourning ANG 1 rep(32); HAI 1 rep(2); JEF 13 reps(610) DOVE, Inca JEF 4 reps(5) CUCKOO, Yellow-billed ANG 1 rep(1); JEF 6 reps(10) OWL, Barn JEF-SW 8/5(1) JAW; JEF-SW 8/27(1) KS OWL, Great Horned JEF-SW 8/20(2) KS; JEF-SW 8/27(1) KS NIGHTHAWK, Common JEF 6 reps(14) WILL'S-WIDOW, Chuck- JEF-SW 8/20(1) KS; JEF-SW 8/26(2) JAW SWIFT, Chimney ANG 1 rep(1) HUMMINGBIRD, Ruby-thr. ANG 1 rep(1); JEF 15 reps(37); ORA 1 rep(3) HUMMINGBIRD, Rufous JEF-SW 8/13(1) KS KINGFISHER, Belted ANG 8/12(3) BD; JEF-TX87 8/26(1) JAW WOODPECKER, Red-head. ANG 8/12(1) BD WOODPECKER, Red-bellied ANG 1 rep(3); HAI 2 reps(2); JEF 1 rep(1) WOODPECKER, Downy ANG 1 rep(3); HAI 2 reps(3); JEF 6 reps(11) |
WOODPECKER, Pileated ANG 1 rep(5); HAI 1 rep(1)
FLYCATCHER, Olive-sided JEF-SW 8/13(1) JAW; JEF-SW 8/13(1) KS; JEF-SW 8/20(1) KS; JEF-SW 8/26(4) JAW; JEF-SW 8/27(1) KS WOOD-PEWEE, Eastern ANG 1 rep(8); JEF 2 reps(2) FLYCATCHER, Yellow-bell. JEF-SW 8/5(1) JAW; JEF-SW 8/13(1) JAW; JEF-SW 8/26(2) JAW FLYCATCHER, Acadian ANG 1 rep(2); HAI 1 rep(1); JEF 1 rep(1) FLYCATCHER, Traill's JEF-SW 8/13(2) JAW; JEF-SW 8/26(1) JAW FLYCATCHER, Least JEF-SW 8/13(1) JAW; JEF-SW 8/13(1) KS; JEF-SW 8/20(1) KS; JEF-SW 8/26(1) JAW; JEF-SW 8/27(1) KS EMPIDONAX species JEF 3 reps(14) FLYCATCHER, Gt. Crested ANG 8/12(7) BD; JEF-SW 8/13(4) JAW; JEF-SW 8/13(2) KS; JEF-SW 8/20(2) KS; JEF-SW 8/26(2) JAW KINGBIRD, Western JEF-TX87 8/5(2) JAW KINGBIRD, Eastern ANG 1 rep(1); JEF 10 reps(65) FLYCATCHER, Scissor-tail. ANG 1 rep(4); JEF 2 reps(8) SHRIKE, Loggerhead ANG 1 rep(1); JEF 6 reps(57) VIREO, White-eyed ANG 1 rep(10) VIREO, Yellow-throated ANG 1 rep(3) VIREO, Red-eyed ANG 1 rep(6); HAI 1 rep(1); JEF 3 reps(5) JAY, Blue ANG 1 rep(9); HAI 2 reps(12); JEF 5 reps(15) CROW, American ANG 1 rep(10); HAI 1 rep(7) CROW, Fish JEF-TX87 8/5(2) JAW; JEF-TP 8/13(1) JAW; JEF-TX87 8/13(1) KS; JEF-TX87 8/20(1) KS; ORA 8/20(4) KS CROW, species JEF 3 reps(7) MARTIN, Purple JEF 8 reps(11379) SWALLOW, Tree JEF-SW 8/20(12) KS; JEF 8/27(2) JAW SWALLOW, N Rough-wing. JEF-SW 8/13(5) JAW; JEF-TX87 8/13(1) JAW SWALLOW, Cliff JEF-TX87 8/5(3) JAW SWALLOW, Barn ANG 1 rep(5); JEF 7 reps(60) SWALLOW species JEF 1 rep(1) CHICKADEE, Carolina ANG 1 rep(9); HAI 3 reps(28) TITMOUSE, Tufted ANG 1 rep(4); HAI 1 rep(6) NUTHATCH, Brown-headed ANG 8/12(2) BD WREN, Carolina ANG 1 rep(13); ORA 1 rep(4) GNATCATCHER, Blue-gray ANG 1 rep(25); HAI 2 reps(33); JEF 6 reps(32) BLUEBIRD, Eastern ANG 1 rep(4); JEF 1 rep(3); ORA 1 rep(1) ROBIN, American JEF-NEDR 8/5(1) JAW; JEF-NEDR 8/12(1) JAW; JEF-NEDR 8/13(3) JAW; JEF-NEDR 8/19(1) JAW; JEF-NEDR 8/24(1) JAW MOCKINGBIRD, Northern ANG 1 rep(9); JEF 10 reps(106) STARLING, European ANG 1 rep(2); JEF 8 reps(239) WARBLER, Blue-winged JEF-SW 8/13(2) JAW; JEF-SW 8/13(3) KS; JEF-SW 8/26(1) JAW; JEF-SW 8/27(3) KS PARULA, Northern ANG 1 rep(2); HAI 1 rep(1) WARBLER, Yellow ANG 8/12(1) BD; JEF-SW 8/13(2) KS; JEF-SW 8/20(2) KS WARBLER, Black-thr. Green JEF-SW 8/26(1) JAW WARBLER, Pine ANG 1 rep(2); HAI 2 reps(16) WARBLER, Black-and-white JEF 3 reps(8) REDSTART, American JEF-SW 8/20(2) KS; JEF-SW 8/26(1) JAW WARBLER, Prothonotary ANG 1 rep(3); HAI 1 rep(1); JEF 2 reps(3) WARBLER, Worm-eating JEF-SW 8/13(1) JAW; JEF-SW 8/13(1) KS OVENBIRD JEF-SW 8/20(2) KS; JEF-SW 8/27(1) KS WATERTHRUSH, Louisiana ANG 8/12(2) BD WARBLER, Kentucky ANG 8/12(2) BD; JEF-SW 8/20(1) KS YELLOWTHROAT, Common JEF 2 reps(2) WARBLER, Hooded ANG 1 rep(1); HAI 1 rep(3); JEF 5 reps(19) WARBLER, Canada JEF-SW 8/13(1) JAW; JEF-SW 8/13(3) KS; JEF-SW 8/20(4) KS; JEF-SW 8/26(2) JAW CHAT, Yellow-breasted JEF-SW 8/13(1) JAW; JEF-SW 8/13(2) KS; JEF-SW 8/20(1) KS; JEF-SW 8/26(2) JAW TANAGER, Summer ANG 1 rep(3); HAI 1 rep(1) TANAGER, Scarlet JEF-SW 8/26(3) JAW SPARROW, Seaside JEF 2 reps(4) SPARROW, White-throated ANG 8/21(1) JWI CARDINAL, Northern ANG 1 rep(18); HAI 3 reps(14); JEF 7 reps(24) GROSBEAK, Blue ANG 8/12(2) BD BUNTING, Indigo ANG 8/12(10) BD; JEF-SW 8/27(3) KS BUNTING, Painted JEF-SW 8/5(1) JAW; JEF-SW 8/13(1) JAW; JEF-SW 8/13(8) KS; JEF-SW 8/20(8) KS; JEF-SW 8/26(1) JAW BLACKBIRD, Red-winged ANG 1 rep(2); JEF 5 reps(28) MEADOWLARK, Eastern JEF 2 reps(3) MEADOWLARK species JEF 3 reps(4) GRACKLE, Common JEF 6 reps(55) GRACKLE, Boat-tailed JEF 3 reps(32) GRACKLE, Great-tailed JEF 6 reps(52) COWBIRD, Brown-headed JEF 2 reps(8) ORIOLE, Orchard JEF 5 reps(38) FINCH, House JEF-NEDR 8/9(1) JAW; JEF-NEDR 8/12(1) JAW SPARROW, House ANG 1 rep(5); JEF 7 reps(67) Number of Species 155
County Abbreviations:
County Abbreviations:
ANG - Angelina; HAI - Hardin; JAS - Jasper; JEF - Jefferson; NEW - Newton; ORA - Orange; SAA - San Augustine; SAB - Sabine.. Location Codes:
Observer Abbreviations: