Calendar of Events
If you can present a program of interest to a Membership
Meeting, or know of some person who can, please contact Jana Whittle at
(409) 722-4193.
For more information on field trips, please contact Steve
Mayes, (409) 722-5807 or the trip leader.
August 15-November 1 - Smith Point Hawk Watch
To reach the Smith Point Hawk Watch in Chambers county: from Winnie, take
TX124 south. Turn right (west) on FM1985 and proceed about 15 miles. Bear
left onto FM562 and follow it to Smith Point. Continue straight ahead at
the main intersection in Smith Point, and proceed about a mile, turning
left into the Candy Cain Abshier WMA. There should be signs to the Hawk
Watch from the main intersection onwards. Official counters are on duty
every day.
October 3, 10, 17 -- Beginning Birding Classes with Field Trip October
Instructor: Robert Hurt. To be held at Lamar State College, Port Arthur.
For details of the times and places, contact Mary Lyons (409) 984-6230
October 14 -- Project Prairie Birds workshop.
This citizen-science project focuses on wintering grassland birds
The workshop will be held on Saturday, Oct. 14th at the Armand Bayou Nature
Center southeast of Houston in Clear Lake, Texas. The workshop runs from
9:30 a.m. to about 3:30 p.m. For directions to the Nature Center please
visit their website
Admission to this workshop is FREE and requires NO pre-registration.
Bring a sack lunch. The workshop is spent half indoors and half outdoors
(field practice). For more info, please contact Cecilia Riley at the Gulf
Coast Bird Observatory Office at 979/480-0999, or Cliff Shackelford at
Texas Parks and Wildlife at
October 19 - Membership Meeting.
Dr. Jay Huner of the University of Southern Louisiana, Lafayette will speak
of birds and crawfish ponds.
October 21 - Field Trip to Sabine Woods.
We will hope for the last waves of fall migrants. Leader Steve Mayes.
October 28 -- Sabine Woods Work Day.
Please come help us maintain the woods and continue our habitat improvement
November 16 - Membership Meeting.
At this meeting, which is also our official annual meeting and election,
we invite members to bring a few of their favorite bird slides, and a covered
November 18 - Field Trip. Searching for sparrows. Location to
be decided later.
Saturday Dec. 16 - Turkey Creek CBC.
Meet at the Big Thicket Visitor Center on FM420 (off US 69 seven miles
north of Kountze) at 6:30 a.m. For further information, call David
Baker (409) 839-2689 ext. 235.
Saturday Dec. 30 - Beech Creek CBC.
Meet at the Corps of Engineers Picnic Area on FM92 just north of Town Bluff
at 6:30 a.m. For further information, call David Baker (409)
839-2689 ext. 235.
CaDecember 31 - Sea Rim State Park Christmas Count.
This is the count that we sponsor. Please plan on joining us for this count.
ll John Whittle (409) 722-4193 for more details
Each month, we rely on volunteers to
provide the refreshments at our membership meeting. We thank Jack Baugh
and Joe Tibbs (and their wives) for the splendid refreshments in August.
Sue Flanagan and Anne Lewing have volunteered for September, and Andrea
Billingsley, Glen Cook and Marcelean Howell for October. We are now seeking
volunteers for the meetings in 2001.
Subscription Renewal
Please check the mailing label on this issue. If the
date on your label (or the date NOT prefixed by AU if there are two) has
passed, please remit your contribution of $15 to Golden Triangle Audubon
Society at P.O. Box 1292, Nederland, Texas 77627-1292. Although this
contribution towards the cost of the Brown Pelican is voluntary
for National Audubon Society members living in the official chapter territory,
we will appreciate your support.