GREBE, Pied-billed ANG 1 rep(68)
PELICAN, American White JEF 4 reps(99)
PELICAN, Brown JEF-SRSP 10/17(194) JAW
CORMORANT, Neotropic JEF 7 reps(65)
CORMORANT, Double-crested ANG 2 reps(15); JEF5 reps(22)
ANHINGA ANG 1 rep(6); JEF 2 reps(2)
BITTERN, American JEF-TX87 10/20(1) GD
HERON, Great Blue ANG 1 rep(5); JEF 8 reps(23)
EGRET, Great ANG 2 reps(53); JEF 7 reps(34)
EGRET, Snowy ANG 1 rep(1); JEF 5 reps(13)
HERON, Little Blue ANG 1 rep(1)
HERON, Tricolored JEF 1 rep(3)
EGRET, Reddish JEF 2 reps(2)
EGRET, Cattle JEF 5 reps(28)
HERON, Green ANG 10/2(1) BPTY; JEF-TXPT 10/23(1) FTSW
NIGHT-HERON, Black-cr. JEF 1 rep(12)
NIGHT-HERON, Yellow-cr. JEF-TX87 10/3(5) KS; JEF-TXPT 10/23(2) FTSW;
JEF-TX87 10/27(1) KS
IBIS, White ANG 2 reps(8); JEF 6 reps(44)
IBIS, Plegadis JEF-TX87 10/10(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/23(27) FTSW
SPOONBILL, Roseate JEF-TX87 10/3(1) KS; JEF-TX87 10/9(2) JAW; JEF 10/12(8)
HD; JEF-TX87 10/13(1) KS; JEF-TP 10/16(50) JH; JEF-TXPT 10/17(1) JAW
VULTURE, Black JEF 5 reps(19)
VULTURE, Turkey ANG 1 rep(5); JEF 11 reps(41)
WHISTLING-DUCK, Black-bell. JEF 10/10(6) HD
GOOSE, Gtr. White-fronted JEF 10 reps(4087)
GOOSE, Snow JEF-SW 10/23(13) FTSW; JEF-TX87 10/23(10) FTSW; JEF-TXPT
10/23(24) FTSW; JEF-SW 10/31(36) KS
DUCK, Wood ANG 10/2(100) BPTY; ANG 10/10(5) DW
TEAL, Blue-winged ANG 1 rep(200); JEF 2 reps(108)
SHOVELER, Northern ANG 1 rep(2)
PINTAIL, Northern JEF 3 reps(30)
SCAUP, Lesser JEF-SRSP 10/23(25) FTSW
OSPREY JEF 10/17(1) KS; JEF-TX87 10/17(1) KS; JEF-TX87 10/23(1) FTSW
KITE, White-tailed JEF 4 reps(4)
EAGLE, Bald ANG 10/2(2) BPTY
HARRIER, Northern JEF 7 reps(18)
HAWK, Sharp-shinned ANG 1 rep(1); JEF 6 reps(13)
HAWK, Cooper's JEF 3 reps(4)
HAWK, Red-shouldered ANG 1 rep(2); JEF 3 reps(5)
HAWK, Broad-winged JEF 4 reps(5)
HAWK, Swainson's JEF 1 rep(1)
HAWK, Red-tailed JEF 6 reps(14)
KESTREL, American JEF 12 reps(34)
MERLIN JEF-SW 10/3(1) KS; JEF-SW 10/9(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/13(1) KS; JEF-SW
10/20(1) GD; JEF-SRSP 10/23(1) FTSW; JEF-SW 10/23(2) FTSW; JEF-TX87 10/23(2)
FTSW; JEF-SW 10/24(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/31(1) KS
BOBWHITE, Northern JEF 3 reps(9)
RAIL, Clapper JEF 3 reps(9)
RAIL, King JEF-TX87 10/13(2) KS
COOT, American JEF 1 rep(1)
PLOVER, Black-bellied JEF 4 reps(27)
PLOVER, Snowy JEF-SRSP 10/10(2) JAW; JEF-SRSP 10/17(3) JAW; JEF 10/31(14)
PLOVER, Semipalmated JEF 4 reps(13)
PLOVER, Piping JEF-SRSP 10/10(4) JAW; JEF-SRSP 10/17(2) JAW
KILLDEER JEF 5 reps(14)
STILT, Black-necked JEF 4 reps(37)
AVOCET, American JEF 3 reps(64)
YELLOWLEGS, Greater JEF 1 rep(2)
YELLOWLEGS, Lesser JEF 4 reps(26)
YELLOWLEGS species JEF 1 rep(1)
WILLET JEF 6 reps(47)
SANDPIPER, Spotted JEF 10/10(1) HD
CURLEW, Long-billed JEF 4 reps(10)
GODWIT, Marbled JEF-TXPT 10/17(3) JAW
KNOT, Red JEF 10/10(2) JAW
SANDERLING JEF 4 reps(108)
SANDPIPER, Western JEF 3 reps(15)
SANDPIPER, Least JEF 2 reps(7)
DOWITCHER species JEF 1 rep(30)
SNIPE, Common ANG 10/2(4) BPTY; JEF-TX87 10/9(1) JAW; JEF-TX87 10/10(1)
JAW; JEF-TXPT 10/20(1) GD
GULL, Laughing JEF 6 reps(1838)
GULL, Franklin's JEF-SRSP 10/10(10) JAW; JEF-SRSP 10/17(44) JAW; JEF-SRSP
10/23(20) FTSW
GULL, Ring-billed JEF 3 reps(23)
GULL, Herring JEF 1 rep(3)
TERN, Gull-billed JEF-SRSP 10/10(10) JAW; JEF-SRSP 10/17(9) JAW; JEF-TX87
10/17(1) JAW; JEF-TXPT 10/23(2) FTSW
TERN, Caspian JEF 3 reps(133)
TERN, Royal JEF 3 reps(401)
TERN, Forster's JEF 5 reps(271)
SKIMMER, Black JEF 2 reps(14)
DOVE, Rock JEF 6 reps(46)
DOVE, White-winged JEF-TX87 10/3(2) KS; JEF-TXPT 10/19(1) GD; JEF-SW
10/23(5) FTSW; JEF-SRSP 10/27(1) KS
DOVE, Mourning ANG 1 rep(5); JEF 12 reps(187); ORA 1 rep(3)
DOVE, Inca JEF 3 reps(7)
GROUND-DOVE, Common JEF-SRSP 10/27(1) KS
ANI, Groove-billed JEF-SW 10/6(1) JAW
OWL, Barn JEF-SW 10/6(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/6(1) KS; JEF-SW 10/23(1) FTSW
SCREECH-OWL, Eastern ANG 10/2(2) BPTY
OWL, Great Horned JEF-TP 10/16(1) JH; JEF-SW 10/24(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/24(1)
NIGHTHAWK, Common JEF 10/12(1) HD; JEF 10/26(1) JAW; JEF 10/27(1) JAW;
JEF-BMT 10/28(1) KS
WILL'S-WIDOW, Chuck- JEF-SW 10/3(2) KS; JEF-SW 10/13(1) KS; JEF-SW
10/16(1) JAW
SWIFT, Chimney ANG 10/2(500) BPTY; ANG 10/10(20) DW; JEF 10/8(5) JAW;
JEF 10/9(9) HD; JEF-NEDR 10/15(5) JAW
HUMMINGBIRD, Buff-bellied JEF-SW 10/27(1) KS; ORA 10/9(1) KS
HUMMINGBIRD, Ruby-throated JEF 23 reps(640); ORA 2 reps(6)
HUMMINGBIRD, Black-chinned JEF-NEDR 10/16(1) JFW; JEF-NEDR 10/17(1)
KINGFISHER, Belted ANG 2 reps(12); JEF 11 reps(31)
WOODPECKER, Red-headed ANG 10/2(6) BPTY; ANG 10/10(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/16(1)
JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(1) KS; ORA 10/9(2) KS
WOODPECKER, Red-bellied ANG 2 reps(14); JEF 1 rep(1)
SAPSUCKER, Yellow-bellied ANG 10/10(1) DW; JEF-SW 10/10(1) JAW; JEF-SW
10/16(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/23(2) FTSW; JEF-SW 10/24(2) JAW; JEF-SW 10/24(1)
KS; ORA 10/9(1) KS
WOODPECKER, Downy ANG 2 reps(9); JEF 13 reps(44); ORA 1 rep(1)
WOODPECKER, Hairy ANG 10/10(1) DW
FLICKER, Northern ANG 10/2(3) BPTY; ANG 10/10(3) DW; JEF-TXPT 10/20(2)
GD; JEF-SRSP 10/23(1) FTSW
WOODPECKER, Pileated ANG 2 reps(6)
WOOD-PEWEE, Eastern JEF 12 reps(53)
FLYCATCHER, Yellow-bellied JEF-SW 10/9(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/10(1) JAW
FLYCATCHER, Traill's JEF-TXPT 10/5(1) GD
FLYCATCHER, Least JEF-SW 10/3(3) KS; JEF-TX87 10/3(1) KS; JEF-TXPT
10/5(1) GD; JEF-SW 10/6(2) KS; JEF-SW 10/9(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/10(2) JAW;
JEF-SW 10/23(1) FTSW
EMPIDONAX species JEF-SW 10/3(2) KS; JEF-SW 10/6(2) KS; JEF-SW 10/9(2)
JAW; JEF-SW 10/10(2) JAW; JEF-SW 10/16(2) JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(1) JAW
PHOEBE, Eastern ANG 2 reps(7); JEF 9 reps(44)
FLYCATCHER, Great Crested JEF-SW 10/9(1) JAW
FLYCATCHER, Scissor-tailed ANG 2 reps(7); JEF 13 reps(137)
SHRIKE, Loggerhead ANG 1 rep(1); JEF 9 reps(80)
VIREO, White-eyed ANG 2 reps(8); JEF 11 reps(29)
VIREO, Yellow-throated ORA 10/9(1) KS
VIREO, Blue-headed JEF-SW 10/6(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/6(2) KS; JEF-SW 10/17(2)
JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(1) KS; JEF-TXPT 10/19(1) GD; JEF-SW 10/20(2) GD; JEF-SW
10/23(1) FTSW; JEF-SW 10/24(1) KS
VIREO, Philadelphia ANG 10/10(2) DW; JEF-SW 10/6(1) KS; JEF-SW 10/20(1)
VIREO, Red-eyed JEF-SW 10/9(4) JAW; JEF-SW 10/10(5) JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(2)
JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(1) KS
JAY, Blue ANG 2 reps(10); JEF 9 reps(68); ORA 1 rep(4)
CROW, American ANG 2 reps(15)
SWALLOW, Tree ANG 1 rep(10); JEF 11 reps(566); ORA 1 rep(6)
SWALLOW, N. Rough-winged ANG 1 rep(3); JEF 4 reps(62)
SWALLOW, Cave JEF-SW 10/23(1) FTSW
SWALLOW, Barn JEF 5 reps(48)
CHICKADEE, Carolina ANG 2 reps(17); JEF 11 reps(12); ORA 2 reps(11)
TITMOUSE, Tufted ANG 2 reps(10); ORA 2 reps(12)
NUTHATCH, Red-breasted ANG 10/2(2) BPTY; JEF-SRSP 10/23(2) FTSW; JEF-SW
10/24(2) JAW; JEF-SW 10/24(4) KS; JEF-BMT 10/27(1) RAJ
NUTHATCH, White-breasted ANG 10/2(1) BPTY
NUTHATCH, Brown-headed ANG 10/2(3) BPTY; ANG 10/10(1) DW
CREEPER, Brown JEF-SRSP 10/23(1) FTSW; JEF-SW 10/23(3) FTSW;
JEF-SW 10/24(3) JAW; JEF-SW 10/24(3) KS; JEF-SRSP 10/31(1) KS
WREN, Carolina ANG 1 rep(6); JEF 12 reps(19); ORA 1 rep(1)
WREN, Bewick's JEF-SRSP 10/31(1) KS
WREN, House JEF-TXPT 10/5(2) GD; JEF-SW 10/9(2) JAW; JEF-SW 10/10(2)
JAW; JEF-SW 10/16(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(1) KS; JEF-SW
10/20(2) GD; JEF-SW 10/23(1) FTSW; JEF-SW 10/24(4) JAW; JEF-SW 10/24(1)
KS JEF-SW 10/27(1) KS; JEF-SW 10/31(1) KS
WREN, Winter JEF-SW 10/24(2) JAW; JEF-SW 10/24(1) KS; JEF-SW 10/27(1)
KS; JEF-SW 10/31(1) KS
WREN, Sedge JEF-TXPT 10/5(1) GD; JEF-TXPT 10/20(1) GD; JEF-TXPT 10/23(2)
FTSW; JEF-SRSP 10/27(1) KS
WREN, Marsh JEF 5 reps(20)
KINGLET, Golden-crowned JEF-SRSP 10/20(1) GD; JEF-SRSP 10/23(1) FTSW;
JEF-SW 10/23(2) FTSW; JEF-SW 10/24(15) JAW; JEF-SW 10/24(12) KS; JEF-SW
10/27(2) KS; JEF-SRSP 10/31(4) KS; JEF-SW 10/31(2) KS
KINGLET, Ruby-crowned ANG 1 rep(1); JEF 18 reps(121)
GNATCATCHER, Blue-gray ANG 1 rep(31); JEF 13 reps(129); ORA 1 rep(2)
THRUSH, Gray-cheeked JEF-SW 10/9(2) JAW; JEF-SW 10/10(1) JAW
THRUSH, Swainson's JEF-SW 10/3(1) KS; JEF-SW 10/6(2) KS; JEF-SW 10/9(20)
JAW; JEF-SW 10/10(20) JAW; JEF-SW 10/13(8) KS; JEF-SW 10/16(10) JAW; JEF-SW
10/17(10) JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(6) KS; JEF-SW 10/23(1) FTSW
THRUSH, Hermit JEF-TXPT 10/23(1) FTSW; JEF-SW 10/24(3) JAW; JEF-SW
10/24(1) KS; JEF-SW 10/27(1) KS
THRUSH, Wood JEF-SW 10/9(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/16(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(1)
JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(1) KS
ROBIN, American JEF-NEDR 10/9(3) JAW; ORA 10/10(4) KS
CATBIRD, Gray ANG 1 rep(2); JEF 13 reps(75)
MOCKINGBIRD, Northern ANG 1 rep(3); JEF 15 reps(82); ORA 1 rep(2)
THRASHER, Brown ANG 2 reps(29); JEF 18 reps(199)
STARLING, European ANG 1 rep(3); JEF 9 reps(220); ORA 1 rep(5)
WARBLER, Blue-winged ANG 10/10(2) DW
WARBLER, Tennessee ANG 1 rep(1); JEF 8 reps(63)
WARBLER, Orange-crowned JEF13 reps(61)
WARBLER, Nashville ANG 1 rep(4) JEF10 reps(21)
PARULA, Northern ANG 2 reps(5); JEF 10 reps(22)
WARBLER, Yellow JEF-TXPT 10/5(1) GD; JEF-TX87 10/13(1) KS
WARBLER, Chestnut-sided JEF 6 reps(9)
WARBLER, Magnolia JEF 10 reps(23)
WARBLER, Black-thr. Blue JEF-SW 10/6(1) KS; JEF-SW 10/9(1) JAW; JEF-SW
10/10(1) JAW
WARBLER, Yellow-rumped JEF-SW 10/23(2) FTSW; JEF-SW 10/24(1) KS; JEF-SRSP
10/27(1) KS
WARBLER, Black-thr. Gray JEF-SRSP 10/31(1) KS
WARBLER, Black-th. Green ANG 2 reps(5); JEF 11 reps(16)
WARBLER, Yellow-throated JEF-SW 10/6(2) JAW; JEF-SW 10/6(1) KS
WARBLER, Pine ANG 2 reps(20); JEF 1 rep(1)
WARBLER, Palm JEF-SRSP 10/6(2) KS; JEF-SRSP 10/27(5) KS; JEF-SRSP 10/31(2)
WARBLER, Bay-breasted JEF-SRSP 10/23(1) FTSW; JEF-SW 10/23(1) FTSW;
JEF-SW 10/24(2) JAW; JEF-SW 10/24(1) KS; JEF-SRSP 10/31(1) KS
WARBLER, Black-and-white JEF 8 reps(27)
REDSTART, American ANG 10/2(1) BPTY; ANG 10/10(2) DW; JEF-SW 10/3(2)
KS; JEF-SW 10/6(4) KS; JEF-TXPT 10/7(1) GD; JEF-SW 10/9(8) JAW; JEF-SW
10/10(5) JAW; JEF-SW 10/13(4) KS; JEF-SW 10/16(8) JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(5)
JAW JEF-SW 10/17(3) KS; JEF-SW 10/23(1) FTSW; JEF-SW 10/24(1) JAW; JEF-SW
10/27(1) KS
OVENBIRD JEF-SW 10/6(2) KS; JEF-SW 10/9(10) JAW; JEF-SW 10/10(10) JAW;
JEF-SW 10/13(4) KS; JEF-SW 10/16(2) JAW; JEF-SW 10/20(1) GD
YELLOWTHROAT, Common ANG 2 reps(3); JEF 13 reps(47)
WARBLER, Hooded JEF-SW 10/3(2) KS; JEF-SW 10/6(3) KS; JEF-SW 10/9(16)
JAW; JEF-SW 10/10(12) JAW; JEF-SW 10/13(3) KS; JEF-SW 10/16(7) JAW; JEF-SW
10/17(5) JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(3) KS
WARBLER, Wilson's ANG 10/10(1) DW; JEF-SW 10/3(1) KS; JEF-TX87 10/3(1)
KS; JEF-SW 10/6(2) KS; JEF-TXPT 10/7(2) GD; JEF-SW 10/13(1) KS; JEF-TX87
10/13(1) KS; JEF-TXPT 10/19(1) GD; JEF-TXPT 10/20(1) GD; JEF-SW 10/23(2)
FTSW JEF-SW 10/24(3) JAW; JEF-SW 10/24(2) KS
CHAT, Yellow-breasted JEF 10/4(2) HD; JEF-SW 10/6(1) KS; JEF-SW 10/10(1)
TANAGER, Summer ANG 1 rep(3); JEF 6 reps(26)
TANAGER, Scarlet JEF-SW 10/9(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/10(3) JAW; JEF-TX87
10/10(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/13(3) KS; JEF-SW 10/16(3) JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(3)
JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(3) KS
TOWHEE, Eastern JEF-SW 10/23(1) FTSW; JEF-SW 10/27(1) KS
SPARROW, Chipping JEF-TXPT 10/5(2) GD; JEF-SRSP 10/23(1) FTSW; JEF-TX87
10/24(1) KS; JEF-SRSP 10/27(1) KS
SPARROW, Clay-colored JEF-TXPT 10/5(1) GD; JEF-TXPT 10/20(2) GD; JEF-TXPT
10/23(2) FTSW
SPARROW, Field JEF-SW 10/24(2) JAW; JEF-SW 10/24(1) KS; JEF-TX87 10/24(5)
SPARROW, Vesper JEF-SRSP 10/27(1) KS
SPARROW, Lark JEF-SW 10/17(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(1) KS
SPARROW, Savannah JEF-TX87 10/6(1) KS; JEF-SRSP 10/17(6) JAW; JEF-TXPT
10/19(1) GD; JEF-SRSP 10/23(3) FTSW; JEF-SW 10/23(2) FTSW; JEF-TXPT 10/23(1)
FTSW; JEF-SW 10/24(1) JAW
SPARROW, Grasshopper JEF-TXPT 10/5(1) GD
SPARROW, Nelson's Sharp-t. JEF-TXPT 10/5(3) GD; JEF-TXPT 10/7(4) GD;
JEF-SRSP 10/13(1) KS; JEF-TX87 10/13(18) KS; JEF-TXPT 10/17(1) JAW; JEF-TXPT
10/23(5) FTSW; JEF-TX87 10/24(12) KS; JEF-TX87 10/27(13) KS
SPARROW, Seaside JEF 5 reps(55)
SPARROW, Song JEF-TX87 10/13(1) KS; JEF-SRSP 10/27(1) KS; JEF-SRSP
10/31(1) KS
SPARROW, Lincoln's JEF-TXPT 10/5(1) GD; JEF-SW 10/16(1) JAW; JEF-TXPT
10/20(2) GD; JEF-SW 10/23(1) FTSW; JEF-TXPT 10/23(3) FTSW; JEF-SW 10/24(3)
JAW; JEF-SW 10/24(1) KS; JEF-TX87 10/24(2) KS; JEF-SW 10/31(1) KS
SPARROW, Swamp JEF-TXPT 10/17(1) JAW; JEF-TXPT 10/19(1) GD; JEF-TXPT
10/20(1) GD; JEF-SW 10/23(2) FTSW; JEF-TXPT 10/23(5) FTSW; JEF-SW 10/24(5)
JAW; JEF-SW 10/24(4) KS; JEF-TX87 10/24(2) KS; JEF-SRSP 10/27(2) KS; JEF-SW
10/27(3) KS JEF-TX87 10/27(3) KS; JEF-SW 10/31(6) KS
SPARROW, White-throated JEF-SW 10/23(6) FTSW; JEF-TXPT 10/23(3) FTSW;
JEF-SW 10/24(5) JAW; JEF-TX87 10/24(3) KS; JEF-SW 10/27(11) KS; JEF-TX87
10/27(1) KS; JEF-SRSP 10/31(2) KS; JEF-SW 10/31(4) KS
SPARROW, White-crowned JEF-TXPT 10/20(2) GD; JEF-SW 10/23(1) FTSW;
JEF-TXPT 10/23(3) FTSW; JEF-SW 10/24(3) JAW; JEF-TX87 10/24(6) KS; JEF-SW
10/27(10) KS; JEF-TX87 10/27(3) KS; JEF-SW 10/31(3) KS
JUNCO, Dk-eyed (White Wing.) JEF-SRSP 10/23(1) FTSW
CARDINAL, Northern ANG 2 reps(27); JEF 9 reps(61); ORA 1 rep(3)
GROSBEAK, Rose-breasted ANG 10/10(1) DW; JEF-SW 10/6(1) KS; JEF-SW
10/9(14) JAW; JEF-SW 10/10(6) JAW; JEF-SW 10/13(3) KS; JEF-SW 10/16(5)
JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(9) JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(3) KS; JEF-SW 10/23(2) FTSW
GROSBEAK, Blue JEF-SW 10/6(1) KS; JEF-SW 10/17(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/17(1)
KS; JEF-SW 10/20(1) GD; JEF-SW 10/23(1) FTSW
BUNTING, Indigo ANG 2 reps(111); JEF 12 reps(144); ORA 1 rep(5)
BUNTING, Painted ANG 10/10(1) DW; JEF-SW 10/10(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/16(2)
JAW; ORA 10/9(1) KS
BLACKBIRD, Red-winged JEF 4 reps(56)
MEADOWLARK, Eastern JEF 1 rep(1)
MEADOWLARK species JEF 1 rep(1)
GRACKLE, Common ANG 1 rep(22); JEF 2 reps(9); ORA 1 rep(2)
GRACKLE, Boat-tailed JEF 7 reps(204)
GRACKLE, Great-tailed JEF 5 reps(202)
COWBIRD, Brown-headed JEF 3 reps(14)
BLACKBIRD species JEF 1 rep(50)
ORIOLE, Baltimore JEF 10/5(2) HD; JEF-SW 10/6(1) KS; JEF-SW 10/13(1)
ORIOLE, Bullock's JEF-SW 10/24(1) JAW; JEF-SW 10/27(1) KS
GOLDFINCH, Lawrence's JEF-TX87 10/17(10) JAW
SPARROW, House JEF 2 reps(9); ORA 1 rep(10)
Number of Species 201
Number of Individuals 14695
County Abbreviations:
ANG - Angelina; JEF - Jefferson; ORA - Orange
Location Codes:
BMT - Beaumont; NEDR - Nederland; SRSP - Sea Rim State Park; SW - Sabine
Woods; TP - Tyrrell Park incl. Cattail Marsh; TX87 - Texas 87 Pt. Arthur-Sabine
Pass-Sea Rim; TXPT - Road to Pilot Station at Texas Point
Observer Abbreviations:
BPTY - Nancy Bird, Louis Debetaz, Carroll Moore, Lynn Smith, Jack Windsor;
DW - Louis Debetaz and Jack Windsor; FTSW - Field Trip to Sabine Woods;
GD - Gerald Duhon; HD - Howard Davis; JAW - John Whittle; JFW - Jana Whittle;
JH - Joe Halbrook; KS - Ken Sztraky; RAJ - Rose Ann Jordan
Details of Very Rare Species
Buff-bellied Hummingbird -- 9 and 27 Oct 1999 -- Ken Sztraky
Bird on 9 Oct was at a feeder in Vidor (photographed).
Bird on 27 Oct. in Sabine Woods identified by call note. (The bird has
been sighted visually several times in November.)
Cave Swallow -- 23 October 1999 -- John Whittle
Feeding in a flock of swallows circling over Sabine Woods. Approximately
same size as the numerous Tree Swallows in the flock. Dark brownish black
above, but attention was drawn to the bird because of its buff rump. The
bird then came low overhead, when its throat was seen to be orange of buff.
The forehead did not show any white. Squared off tail.
Red-breasted Nuthatch -- 23-24 October 1999 -- John Whittle
Seen at the Willows at Sea Rim State Park (two on 23 Oct) and
Sabine Woods (four on 24 Oct). Typical nuthatch, gray above, rusty red
below, black cap and eye-line.
Brown Creeper -- 23-24 October 1999 -- John Whittle
Three at Sabine Woods and one at The Willows at Sea Rim (23 Oct)
and three at Sabine Woods (24 Oct). Creeper, brown speckled with white
above, white below.
Veery -- 9 October 1999 -- John Whittle
Two birds seen in Sabine Woods foraging somewhat lethargically
on floor of woods, occasionally perching on very low branches. Two slightly
differently marked birds were encountered several times each.
Medium sized thrush with very warm brown above, band of very
bright buff across upper breast with fine dark streaks, especially down
sides of band. Rest of underparts very pale; pink legs; no noticeable eye-ring
or pale lores.
Gray-cheeked Thrush -- 9-10 October 1999 -- John Whittle
Probably two in Sabine Woods on 9 Oct, and one on 10 Oct.
Medium sized thrushes with medium brown upperparts; pale below
with prominent brown throat spots. Grayish brown face, without noticeable
eyering. Fairly long tail; pink legs.
Black-throated Blue Warbler -- 9-10 Oct 1999 -- John Whittle
Male of nominate race seen in Sabine Woods. On both days, bird
was encountered numerous times, usually in the western most of the three
main woodlots, typically between six inches and three feet above the ground
in scattered undergrowth. Bird was also seen near the center of the dried
up pond.
Medium-large warbler, medium blue above, including all of back.
White below, with characteristic white patch near bend of wing. Black lower
face and line along flanks, intense and narrow.
Black-throated Gray Warbler -- 31 October 1999 -- Ken Sztraky
Seen and photographed at The Willows at Sea Rim State Park. Distinct
black cap, throat and eye patch/line; visible yellow loral spot; streaking
on body near wings.
Scarlet Tanager -- 9-10 and 16 October 1999 -- John Whittle
One male seen at Sabine Woods 9 Oct; probably four males there
on 10 Oct; three on 16 Oct. Greenish yellow with strongly contrasting black
wings. Bill very pale.
Scarlet Tanager -- 13 and 17 October 1999 -- Ken Sztraky
Seen in Sabine Woods there and eating seeds. Lime green with
contrasting black wings.
Clay-colored Sparrow - 5 October 1999 -- Gerald Duhon
One bird seen on road to Pilot Station at Texas Point in company
of some Lincoln's Sparrows and Ruby-crowned Kinglets. Long-tailed
sparrow, clear breast, substantial gray collar. White median
crown stripe bordered by dark laterals. White supercilium, buffy cheek
patch clearly outlined with dark borders on three sides. Clear lores. Bright
white sub-moustachial stripe, and thin, dark malar stripe. Mantle ground
color was sandy.
Clay-colored Sparrow -- 23 October 1999 -- John Whittle
Road to Pilot Station at Sabine Pass. Two were among a mixed
flock of 10-12 sparrows (Lincoln's, Swamp, White-crowned) which moved along
the sides of the road ahead of the observers for at least 1/4 mile, and
then back again as the observers returned.
Medium sized sparrow, brown above, clear below, with brownish
facial patch from eye-level down; whitish fairly thick eye-line; buffy
breast below whitish throat. Medium long, notched tail. Fairly light bill.
Birds also seen by John Haynes and Steve Mayes.
Savannah Sparrow -- 6 October 1999 -- Ken Sztraky
Highway 87 at McFaddin NWR. Sparrow with yellow loral spot and
lots of streaking on body. Very early for this species.
Song Sparrow -- 13 October 1999 -- Ken Sztraky
Road to Pilot Station at Texas Point. Pair of very distinct
moustachial/malar stripes, breast "stickpin", and had streaks on the
breast and flanks. Very early in fall for this species.
Dark-eyed (White-winged) Junco -- 23 Oct. 1999 -- John Whittle
Seen at the Willows at Sea Rim State Park. The bird flew onto
the ground at the base of a willow tree (which was the subject of the observers
attention because it had a Brown Creeper on it). It flew away after about
half a minute.
Medium large sparrow with pink bill, pale gray head and back
with darker gray at the base of the bill; two reasonably prominent white
wing bars; white outer tail feathers. Underside was not seen.
The White-winged race of the Dark-eyed Junco is not the expected
race in Texas, certainly not in South-east Texas. Without the opportunity
to study the bird at length, it was not possible to attempt to rule out
an intergrade between the White-winged and Slate-colored races.
Bullock's Oriole -- 24 October 1999 -- John Whittle
First year male seen in Sabine Woods. Bird was moving around
from tops of trees to dead trees in floor of dried up pond.
Medium-large oriole, with black back and wings and strong white
wing bar. Bright yellow otherwise, but with black bib below bill. Sides
of head yellow, not quite so bright. Sharp gray bill.
Bullock's Oriole -- 27 October 1999 -- Ken Sztraky
Large "orange-ish" bird seen feeding in the tops of oak trees
in Sabine Woods. Pair of white wing bars. Area around legs was off-white.
Bird Alerts
We have a much to report this month. First, here is an update
to the Sandhill Cranes.
The cranes were originally found on November 6, when Jane Wilson
of Sour Lake and her husband credibly reported seeing a Whooping Crane
mixed in with three or four hundred Sandhill Cranes which were then feeding
in harvested rice fields east and west of Ebner Road in far west Jefferson
County, right on the Liberty County line. The following day, the cranes
were seen from Ebner Road, a mile or two east of the road near the LNVA
canal that runs almost north-south through that area. The Whooping Crane
was not seen, however. The Cranes were not relocated on November 20 during
the post-field-trip exploration of the area in mid afternoon. However,
sixteen Cranes were seen the following day, west of Ebner Road, but in
Liberty County, south of CR1011. On the afternoon of November 25, a large
flock, estimated at seven hundred, of Sandhill Cranes was located as the
birds left their feeding ground east of League Road, near where League
jogs east-west and then tuns north-south again (at the southern end of
Heisig Road). They were there again the following day, and a count of 775
was obtained. The farmer/-landowner indicated that he has been seeing cranes
on his land for four or five years, but he wasn't clear as to how many
or how often. On November 28, the cranes were feeding about two miles further
north, just north of the east-west section of road which may be Willis
Road or League Road or Johnson Road (or maybe all three). The best estimate
of numbers on this occasion was 850. On clear days at least, they have
been leaving the feeding ground between 5:10 and 5:20 p.m. and flying west,
almost certainly into Liberty County west of the southern extension of
Ebner Road. There are no public roads in that area.
If you want to try to observe the sights and sounds of this large
assemblage of cranes, it is suggested that you start searching for them
about 4 p.m. or shortly after. Willis Road is the east-west road which
crosses FM1406 2.9 miles north of the Chambers County line or 2.7 miles
south of the intersection with FM365. Willis Road runs about 2 miles west
from FM1406 before it dead ends into Ebner Road. Check Ebner Road (both
sides) south to the dead end and north to at least where it turns west,
and crosses the county line into Liberty County as CR1011. Be sure to look
as far east as you can from the northern part of Ebner towards the levee
of the LNVA canal in the area. (This is where they were on Nov. 6 and 7.)
Return to FM1406 and check both sides of Willis Road east of it. After
about a mile Old League Road goes off north. Check carefully on both sides
for the next mile -- the cranes were north of here on Nov. 28 -- until
you come to League Road going south. (The road straight ahead is Johnson
Road.) Turn south down League Road and proceed for two miles, looking carefully,
especially to the east of the road. League Road then turns east at a pipeline
station. (This is the area the birds were in on Nov 25 and 26.) If you
still haven't found the cranes, try continuing east on League Road
about a mile (check the north side), and then straight ahead on the shell
road (Heisig Road). This soon turns north, and in two or three miles, turns
west and immediately joins Johnson Road. Straight ahead for a mile takes
you back to where you turned south on League. Or you can turn right (north)
on Johnson Road, which runs into FM365 after about two miles. There are
also several Crested Caracaras and a probable Rough-legged Hawk in the
area. Please report any crane sightings.
Elsewhere, feeders at the Whittle residence in Nederland are
being frequented by both a male Black-chinned Hummingbird and an adult
male Rufous Hummingbird. The Buff-bellied Humming-bird at Sabine Woods
is still there; the status of the Vidor bird is not known.
Ken Sztraky reports a male Western Tanager and a Least Fly-catcher
at Sabine Woods during the last few days of November. |